1. 寺尾岳,牧野麻友.2抗不安薬.Pocket Drugs 2017.医学書院.2017
2. 寺尾岳.双極性障害の対応と治療Ⅲ双極性障害および関連障害群.日本臨牀 新領域別症候群シリーズ№37精神医学症候群(第2版) (Ⅰ) -発達障害・統合失調症・双極性障害・抑うつ障害-.日本臨牀社.2017
3. 井上綾子.適切な緩和ケア提供のための緩和ケアガイドブックの改訂に関する研究 新版がん緩和ケアガイドブック 監修 日本医師会 2017
1. Shuntaro Ando,Shinsuke Koike,Shinji Shimodera,Ryosuke Fujito,Ken Sawada, Takeshi Terao, Toshi A.Furukawa,Tsukasa Sasaki,Shimpei Inoue,Nozomu Asukai, Yuji Okazaki,Atsushi Nishida.Lithium Levels in Tap Water and the Mental Health Problems of Adolescents: An Individual-Level Cross-Sectional Survey. J Clin Psychiatry.78 :e252-e256,2017
2. Takeshi Terao,Atsuko Ishida,Toshifumi Kimura,Mitsuhiro Yoshida,Terufumi Hara.Assessment of safety and efficacy of lamotrigine over the course of 1-year observation in Japanese patients with bipolar disorder: post-marketing surveillance study report.Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat.13:1441-1448, 2017
3. Takeshi Terao,Atuko Ishida,Toshifumi Kimura,Masao Yarita ,Terufumi Hara. Preventive Effects of Lamotrigine in Bipolar II Versus Bipolar I Disorder. J Clin Psychiatry.78:e1000-e1005,2017
4. Hideki Matsuzaki,Takeshi Terao,Takeshi Inoue,Yoshikazu Takaesu,Nobuyoshi Ishii,Kentaro Kohno,Minoru Takeshima,Hajime Baba,Hiroshi Honma.Re-analysis of the association of temperature or sunshine with hyperthymic temperament using lithium levels of drinking water Affect Disord.223:126-129,2017
5. Koji Hatano,Takeshi Terao,Hirofumi Hirakawa,Kentaro Kohno,Yoshinori Mizokami,Nobuyoshi Ishii.Cyclothymic temperament and glucose metabolism in the right superior parietal lobule.Psychiatry Res.270:76-79,2017
6. Nobuyoshi Ishii,Takeshi Terao,Ippei Shiotsuki,Masayuki Kanehisa. Comparison of lithium between Japanese and foreign mineral waters.Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology and Therapeutics.8:13-15,2017
7. Nobuyoshi Ishii,Takeshi Terao,Hideki Matsuzaki,Takeshi Inoue,Yoshikazu Takaesu,Kentaro Kohno,Minoru Takeshima,Hajime Baba, Hiroshi Honma. Lithium in drinking water may be negatively associated with depressive temperament in the nonclinical population.Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology and Therapeutics.8:7-11,2017
8. Masayuki Kanehisa, Takeshi Terao, Ippei Shiotsuki, Keiko Kurosawa, Ryuichi Takenaka, Teruo Sakamoto, Osamu Shigemitsu, Nobuyoshi Ishii, Koji Hatano, Hirofumi Hirakawa.Serum lithium levels and suicide attempts: a case-controlled comparison in lithium therapy-naive individuals. Psychopharmacology ( Berl) .Nov;234 :3335-3342,2017
1. 寺尾岳.精神科専門医を目ざす人への助言 リチウムの使い方のコツ:その2.九州神経精神医学.63:36-39,2017
2. 寺尾岳.双極性障害治療ガイドライン:躁病エピソード.臨床精神薬理.20:533-539,2017
3. 寺尾岳.なかなか回復しないうつ病を診ている治療者と患者へのワンポイントアドバイス.臨床精神医学.46 :639,2017
4. 石井啓義. 寺尾岳. 特集Ⅰ うつが治らないときに何を考え,どのように対処すべきか 気質の観点から.精神科.30:497-501,2017
5. 寺尾岳.非定型の特徴を伴うもの.精神科治療学. 32 :1207-1211,2017
6. 寺尾岳.双極性障害と攻撃性. 臨床精神医学. 46 :1135-1139,2017
7. 寺尾岳.双極性障害に対する抗精神病薬の長期使用. 臨床精神薬理. 20:1195-1197,2017
1. Hirofumi Hirakawa,Takeshi Terao,Shozo Fujii,Hirotaka Mukasa.Bright Light Therapy for Negative Symptoms.Prim Care Companion CNS Disord.19:pii: 17l02117,2017
2. Koji Hatano,Takeshi Terao,Nobuyoshi Ishii,Ippei Shiotsuki, Yuji Yamanaka, Ayano Otsuka,Nobuhiko Hoaki.A case of acute pelvic pain responding to escitalopram but not to anti-inflammatory drugs.Clinical Neuropsychopharmacology and Therapeutics. 8:38-41, Published:2017
1. 寺尾岳.ストレスチェック制度が始まって. 新春医療特集メンタルヘルス.読売新聞朝刊:12版 読売新聞.2017
2. 寺尾岳.第26回日本臨床精神神経薬理学会総会.精神臨床Legato Vol.3 No.2メディカルレビュー社. 3 :54-55,2017
3. ラピッドサイクリング.特集 うつ疾患の診断と鑑別-双極性障害を中心にCurrent Therapy2017.35.2017
4. 上島国利. 寺尾岳. 下田和孝.うつ病診療のUpdate座談会 抗うつ薬の適切な使用-副作用に配慮して.DEPRESSION JOURNAL. 5 :11-15,2017
5. Takeshi Terao, MD, PhD. CNPT in Transition. Clinical Neuropsychophamacology and Therapeutics.CNPT8:12,Published:2017
6. Nobuyoshi Ishii,Takeshi Terao,Ippei Shiotsuki.Low estrogen but not high cholesterol induced suicide? Acta Psychiatr Scand.136 :658,2017